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Commercial Realty Funding, LLC specializes in Unsecured Business Lines of Credit. These business lines of credit do not require collateral and include anything from smaller business credit card solutions up to individual lines of credit for $500,000. How much the business owner qualifies for depends on the credit profile and the size and profitability of the business. Start-up companies with no established …
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The Small Business Loan Program at Commercial Realty Funding, LLC is an excellent source of financing for most businesses. Commercial Realty Funding, LLC has been designated as a Preferred Financial services company by Preferred SBA lenders to have loans processed more quickly and efficiently. This designation means that the SBA has delegated the approval process to our lenders, which means fast and efficient processing of …
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$100,000 to $100,000,000 or more
Commercial Realty Funding, LLC offers a diverse mix of commercial real estate loans to meet the individual borrowing needs and investment objectives of its borrowers, for both investment and owner-occupied commercial properties. We can carefully structure the right financing solution no matter how small or large your transaction requires. Depending on the deal, we can offer …
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These days it takes the right team to properly structure the right financing for large projects from $1,000,000 to $50,000,000 or more. We offer comprehensive solutions to commercial financing needs that are often unavailable to banks or traditional commercial channels.
Our team has the experience and access to funding to successfully analyze and fund your project. We can cater to your unique …
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Unlimited source of financing for your company's growth
Accounts receivable financing, or Factoring, is the purchase of accounts receivable invoices at a discount. If you sell your products or services to businesses that pay in 30, 60, 90 days or more, Commercial Realty Funding, LLC has a liquidity solution for you. We can finance companies that are start-ups, losing money, or in bankruptcy because accounts …
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These days it takes the right team to properly structure the right financing for …
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We can provide your business with a merchant cash advance against its merchant …
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